After a recent visit with my nieces whom have started to wade in the waters of adulthood and independence, I started thinking about my personal trials and tribulations in my younger years. More specifically, I pondered what I wish I would have known. As we were returning to Hilton Head, I compiled a basic list of important things that I have learned along my path and in doing so, improved my life.
1. You manifest your reality. Your thoughts create things and circumstances... So think good ones and monitor your inner dialogue.
2. Be slow to react. It might make you feel better to instantly handle things as your emotions dictate, but it is wiser to let things simmer for a bit before taking action so you are coming from a place of logic.
3. Let go of the blame. No one owes you anything. Carrying grudges is only extra weight for yourself.
4. "Stuff" ie material possessions does not make the person. You are not better because you have nicer things. Be free and only buy what you can afford instead of entering the intrapment of debt.
5. Everything happens for a reason. Go with the flow.
6. Always be honest. Always.