Tuesday, September 9, 2014


We have spent the past two days witnessing the most beautiful character traits imaginable.  Our Dayma finally siezed the oppertunity to replace a worn knee after putting off a much needed surgery for more than a year.  She just coped until the timing felt right.  She went in yesterday morning and the procedure was executed perfectly.  There was bone on bone in places both expected and not, but fortunately no spurring.

  She was out of the OR for not much more than an hour when she started requesting to get up.  She was focused on healing. Though physical therapy was slow to give her clearance to be up in the hours following the surgery, just one day after, she was walking the halls like a champion.  

Amidst an itchy allergic reaction to meds, a popped staple from compression, issues with ivs, and multiple pokes to find new veins, she never once complained.  She is a fighter, not a whiner.  She creates her circumstances instead of letting her circumstances create her.   She does it all with silent grace.  We are in awe.  

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